Visit our website Charis Bible College UK Charis Bible College is an extension of Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWM). This Bible college has many extension and satellite schools that cover the United States as well as overseas. Many attend either to answer a call from God in preparation for ministry or just to develop their own personal relationship with the Lord. While AWM spreads Andrew’s teaching materials globally, Charis Bible College goes one step further with discipleship. Preparation is never a waste of time for a lifetime of effective ministry. Once the grace and love of God take root, your life will never be the same.
As a Christian college, Charis is able to provide either an in-person classroom setting, online classes or correspondence course. Every believer in Jesus is called to be a minister—some are called to pastor, some to evangelize, and some to prophesy—but all believers are called to make disciples. Charis was birthed out of Andrew’s desire to see believers discipled. The first year establishes a student’s foundation in the Word. The second-year Charis Bible College student is taught how to function in a ministry through practical hands-on service. Third-year students choose specific ministry training through one of several tracks—the Business School, the Media School, the Ministry School, the Missions School, or the Worship Arts School. Through Charis, people all over the world are being discipled in the Word of God and in practical ministry training. Another facet of Charis is the weekly meetings that are held to teach people on how to receive and minister healing. We’re seeing countless people healed at our Charis Healing School—and it’s open to the public—so come join us or tune in online!
The Charis mission statement is to “Equip faithful men and women for the work of the ministry by teaching spiritual truths, imparting biblical knowledge, providing practical ministry opportunities, and grounding them in the message of God’s unconditional love and grace.” Prayerfully consider joining Charis Bible College. With online classes, a Healing School, and an environment of faith to help establish a thriving relationship with the Lord, we believe this Christian college will change your life! Search upcoming events, find a Charis school in your area, and read the blog at the school’s website. Watch live or archived events, and browse through our store. Go to charisbiblecollege.org.uk, and check out all our resources today.

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