Effortless Change

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Track Title Length Size
1 Change Comes From the Word of God 1:16:59 0 B
2 The Heart Produces Fruit 1:19:15 0 B
3 Whats In Your Soil 1:15:40 0 B
4 Defeating Doubt 1:13:44 0 B

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Most Christians want change in some area of their life. They try and try to make those changes but soon find themselves falling back into the same habits and behaviours. Self-discipline and self-control have once again failed them.

So how does lasting change take place? A worm doesn't struggle to become a butterfly in the cocoon. A seed doesn't strive to become a tree and produce fruit. They simple do what they were designed to do by God and the change takes place, effortlessly.

The Word of God is like a seed and your heart is the soil. When it's planted and nurtured in the soil of our heart, it begins to grow. The result is transformation; and the fruit becomes evident to all. If you want real change in your life, this teaching is for you.

Change Comes From The Word

In Romans 12:2, the word "transformed" was translated from the Greek word METAMORPHOO from which our word "metamorphosis" comes. If you want to be transformed in the same way that a worm becomes a butterfly, then renew your mind through the Word of God and effortless change is the result.

The Heart Produces Fruit
All of us have struggled with doubt at times. Jesus once said that John the Baptist was the greatest man who walked the earth, but even HE had doubts! How did John deal with his doubts? In this message, Andrew shows how Jesus helped John the Baptist overcome doubt-by the Word of God.

What's In Your Soil? / Defeating Doubt
Jesus said this parable of the sower sowing seed was the key to understanding all His parables (Mk. 4:13). Until we understand the truths of the importance of God's Word which this parable is teaching, we will never see the change in our lives that we desire. God's Word is the seed that must be sown in our hearts to effect change.

Effortless Change Products

Effortless Change - CD Album
Effortless Change - DVD Album
Effortless Change - USB
Introduction To Effortless Change - Booklet
Effortless Change
Effortless Change eBook (PDF)
£7, PDF English
Effortless Change eBook (Mobi)
£7, MOBI English
Effortless Change eBook (ePub)
£7, ePUB English
Effortless Change - Study Guide
Effortless Change Study Guide eBook (PDF)
Afrikaans: Effortless Change (PDF)
Afrikaans: Effortless Change (Mobi)
Afrikaans: Effortless Change (ePub)
Change Comes From The Word
The Heart Produces Fruit
What's In your Soil?
Defeating Doubt
Dutch: Effortless Change
£12, Book Dutch
German: Effortless Change
£12, Book German
German: Effortless Change (PDF)
£7, PDF German
German: Effortless Change (Mobi)
£7, MOBI German
German: Effortless Change (ePub)
£7, ePUB German
Indonesian: Effortless Change
Korean: Effortless Change
£12, Book Korean
Norwegian: Effortless Change
£12, Book Norwegian
Russian: Effortless Change
£12, Book Russian
Introducción al Cambio sin esfuerzo - Introduction to Effortless Change - Booklet
Spanish: Effortless Change
£12, Book Spanish
Spanish Study Guide: Effortless Change [El Cambio Sin Esfuerzo]
Tamil: Effortless Change
£12, Book Tamil

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