AWME Building Update 2

Dear Friend,

This time, I waited until the ink was dry. I can finally tell you that Andrew Wommack Ministries of Europe has purchased The Grace International Centre building in Walsall, England. Thank You, Jesus! This has been a long time coming.

If you’re new to the ministry or have forgotten the details, here’s a quick history. We began by leasing offices for the ministry in 1989. For the last four years, we have actively pursued the purchase of a ministry headquarters building. We looked as far away as 100 miles from Walsall. When that was unfruitful, we developed plans to build our own facility.

In both cases, banks preapproved loans only to deny them at the last minute. The U.K. ministry had no real assets prior to these planned purchases, and that’s the reason no bank would follow through with their offers to help us.

We’ve been through a lot, but our staff and students have been through even more. The Grace International Centre building in Walsall, where we’ve been located for the last six years, was in desperate need of repairs. Our students have gone through winters without heat, a leaking roof, bad plumbing, and more. The landlord was unable to maintain the building, and it wasn’t prudent to put money into a building that wasn’t ours.

I know there has been some miscommunication from us in the past. And in the last six months, there has been no communication, because we didn’t know the outcome, and I didn’t want to provide incorrect information.

But on June 1, we signed the papers, and Grace International Centre officially became ours. Hallelujah, it is finally done! I want to give praise to the Lord and a big “thank-you” to all of you who have given to this effort.

It was your giving that allowed us to purchase this £1,000,000 facility. We were able to put £650,000 down, avoiding a bank loan, and the previous owner agreed to carry the balance of £350,000. Repairs, costing at least £640,000, desperately need to be done, but even with that, this was by far the least expensive option we had and the one we could afford.

Work on the heating system has begun. Our students and staff won’t go through another winter without heat. Thank You, Jesus. The roof needs to be redone, but by patching it, we can get by short term. Certain electrical requirements need to be met, and many improvements need to be made to bring this building up to a standard that suits me and that I believe would please the Lord.

Thank you so much for making all of this possible. We could not have purchased this building without all the funds our partners donated and the cooperation of the owners of Grace International Centre. Praise God for this.

Contractors have estimated that we could spend as much as £750,000 on repairs. I’m believing we can do everything that’s needed for £500,000 or less, but this is still a lot of money. The good news is that this money will now be going into an asset that will greatly increase in value as it reflects our loving care. This has been a big improvement on our bottom line in the U.K. ministry.

Not all the improvements have to be done at once. As I mentioned, work has begun on the heating system, and about £15,000 to £20,000 of asbestos must be removed right away. These things are some of the first things we will address.

We still need partners to help us bring everything up to the proper standard. And I am believing, with your help, that we will pay off the building in record time. I believe that is God’s best.

There are 13,000 people receiving this letter. If everyone gave a one-time gift of £67 above their normal giving or partnership, this building and all the needed repairs would be paid off in one month. It’s that simple. Of course, we know not everyone can or will do that. But the point is that this is doable if everyone chips in.

If you are truly unable or unwilling to give toward this, that’s fine. I’m not trying to pressure anyone. Jamie and I were basically homeless at one time. We didn’t live on the streets or take government assistance, but we lived with family for nearly a year. It was tough, we know what that’s like. But I also know that we never quit giving during that time. And I’m convinced that our giving was a large part of God bringing us out of that poverty. God blesses givers. I encourage you to give if you can.

And remember that monthly giving enables those who don’t have a lot of cash to give a significant amount over time. A £10-per-month gift becomes a £120 gift over a year. If only 7,300 people gave £10 per month, we could do all the refurbishment within 12 months.

Please pray about this, and do whatever the Lord leads you to do. We have enough money to get started, but we can’t finish even the first steps that need to be done without your help. If you want to help us make the needed repairs, you can call our Helpline on +44 (0) 1922 473300 or go to our website: to make a donation at any time. If you are giving monthly or increasing your monthly gift, we ask you to please let us know that as well. This will allow us to plan how quickly we can proceed.

Jamie and I thank you in advance for your continued support. You are amazing partners. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

Again, I want to thank you for believing in us and the nearly-too-good-to-be-true Gospel that we preach. Lives are being changed. My books have now been translated into twenty-three languages. We had increased crowds everywhere we went on our June European tour. We met many people who have been transformed through the power of God’s Word. Your partnership has made all of this possible.

Together we are getting it done. We are making a difference. Thank You, Jesus.

We Love You,

Andrew & Jamie

European Ministers Conference

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