What the Lord has shown me about faith are some of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned. I haven’t arrived, but I’ve left. I’ve seen faith accomplish things in my life that couldn’t have been accomplished any other way. Faith is what works. It is not your natural talents or ability. It’s not your great wisdom. You don’t need an emotional experience with God. You just need to trust Him. That’s how you receive from Him.
So, the obvious question is, “How does faith work?” That’s probably one of the most asked questions in all of Christianity. Most people would answer, “Faith works by love; Galatians 5:6 says so.” They would be right. But while I emphasize the grace and unconditional love of God on a regular basis, that’s only the motivation for faith. In order for faith to be effectual, you have to acknowledge every good thing in you in Christ Jesus (Philem. 6). How do you know what’s in you? By the Word of God!
Many of us have Bibles lying around gathering dust. Some of us even carry one. But when we’re struggling with unbelief, we don’t want a scripture. We want something tangible, something emotional. We would rather have Jesus put His arm around us and say something about how everything will be all right. That would make us feel better. But overcoming doubt isn’t just about feeling better; it’s about getting back into the Word, which is where faith comes from (Rom. 10:17).
The only sure way to operate in the God-kind of faith is to take Him at His Word. Don’t allow your five senses to dominate your thinking. You’ve got to come to a place where Scripture is more real to you than anything you can see, taste, hear, smell, or feel. This won’t happen accidentally. It’s something you’re going to have to pursue.
Faith is counterintuitive. It is contrary to the way the world does things. This world’s system doesn’t operate in trust and reliance upon God. It fights against everything He designed. It’s gotten to where people who believe God and say what the Bible says are made fun of. Fear of ridicule makes for some very weak and confused Christians.
You know, I just saw a survey by the Barna Group that said the vast majority of Americans consider the United States to be a Christian nation with a biblical worldview. But when they were asked specific questions about their beliefs, they discovered that only 7 percent of the American Christian population viewed things according to Scripture. That’s pitiful! Many of these same people probably wonder why their faith doesn’t work. They need to get back to believing what the Bible says.
When God’s Word becomes first place in your life, there isn’t a problem you’re facing that can’t be solved by faith. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. There is no weapon formed against you that can prosper (Is. 54:17) when you are believing God. You plus God makes a majority.
If you are born again, you have probably struggled with faith at one point or another. Like most Christians, it has been hit-and-miss for you. You need to understand the laws that govern faith, and that’s what my Faith Builders series is all about. When I first taught on this, many who had been in the “faith walk” for years told me that these teachings were the most life-changing messages they had ever heard. Praise the Lord! We are all still learning about faith.
Our Faith Builders Package will help you to build upon the foundation that I’ve laid in this letter. I guarantee you, once you get into walking by faith (2 Cor. 5:7), you’ll see the victory that overcomes the world. I want to encourage you to take advantage of this month’s offer, which includes the Faith Builders teaching in both CD and DVD format, along with additional teachings. You can order the entire package from our website: www.awme.net, call our Helpline: +44(0) 1922 473300, or complete the order form and mail it in the envelope provided.
You will be blessed!

Faith Builders
Faith is essential to everything we do in the Christian life. Yet many Christians still struggle with faith. Is it really that hard?
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