Dear Friend,
When you're facing a crisis, remember what Jesus said to His disciples the night before His crucifixion: "Let not your heart be troubled" (John 14:1).
Imagine what it would have been like to be one of Jesus' disciples at the end. They watched as He was arrested, beaten, and crucified. All of their hopes and dreams were rooted in Him, and then He was dead and seemingly defeated. The confusion, hurt, and pain from that alone were probably unbearable, but then came the thoughts: We have made such sacrifices, leaving family and businesses, risking it all on the belief that Jesus was the Messiah. Was it all in vain? How long before they come to get us? Now, that is real stress and pressure.
I personally believe that people's first reactions to a crisis will dictate whether or not they overcome. Some people let their emotions and hurts just run their course, giving them time to build huge strongholds of unbelief in their hearts. Then, after the strongholds have been well established, they turn to God and ask for help. They don't realize that it's much easier to keep the storm of a crisis from getting inside their hearts than it is to remove it later.
We live in a fallen world, and tribulations will come. We cannot avoid them, but if we're prepared, we can keep them from getting on the inside of us. It doesn't matter if you've been divorced, suffered financial disaster, or are facing cancer; God can turn your problem around if you will believe and not panic.
You can control your emotions, and you can control your feelings. You can control whether or not you have depression and whether you are encouraged or discouraged. Jesus would not have said to "let not your heart be troubled" if it were not possible (John 14:1). He would be unjust to tell you to do something that you couldn't do. The fact that He told you to do it means you have both the capacity and the power. When you stand up and do what you can do, God supernaturally energizes you. Peter couldn't walk on the water by his own human power, but he did get out of the boat under his own power. The moment he took the first step, the supernatural power of God enabled him to overcome and walk on water.
The devil is going around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). If you never bump into him in this life, it might be because you're going in the same direction. But when you turn around and begin swimming upstream, following God's plan for your life, you're going to get some resistance. So, you will need to know how to keep your heart from being troubled.
Being in the ministry for nearly fifty years, I have faced many crises. But God has always been faithful and has shown me how to rise above every one of them. I wanted to show others how to have the same victories that I have, so I began to pray about it. I said, "Lord, it would sure be nice if all these different truths were compiled in one place in the Bible. Then I could just teach people from those scriptures on what to do in a crisis situation." The Lord answered that prayer by leading me to John 14, 15, and 16. These chapters hold the keys for us to conquer any situation we face.
Prepare yourself to respond biblically to the difficulties and crises of everyday life by getting my Christian Survival Kit teaching collection. I am excited to offer this valuable resource to you on a USB drive that contains the sixteen individual audio teachings, as well as video files from the series as seen on television. Purchased individually, the audio and video resources included on the USB drive have a catalogue value of £49, but you get this valuable resource today for just £35. You can also receive the Christian Survival Kit package. The complete package has over 80 hours of combined audio and video teaching on a USB drive, plus five of my foundational books and the Christian Survival Kit on a USB drive. It's the most comprehensive package I have ever offered. The Christian Survival Kit Complete Package has a catalogue value of £271, but you can receive it today for only £120.
All of this is a result of what the Lord taught me through those scriptures. I encourage you to order this teaching series or package. If you are not facing a crisis now, I guarantee you will sooner or later, and you need to be prepared. To order, go to our website:, call our Helpline: +44(0) 1922 473300, or complete the enclosed form and mail it in.