What do you need the Lord to do for you? Do you need the Lord to heal you? Do you need the Lord to make you more prosperous? The truth is, you don’t need the Lord to do anything for you. He’s already done His part. You’ve already got it, whatever “it” is. This may sound crazy to some of you. You might be thinking: But I’ve got a doctor’s report that proves I don’t have healing or You haven’t seen my bank account. Regardless of what the natural facts are, the truth is that God has already given you whatever you need.
Second Peter 1:3 says,
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.
The only thing we are lacking is knowledge.
Many Christians live in a constant state of trying to get God to do something. They are begging God to move on their behalf. They run from meeting to meeting, trying to get something from God. But they’ve already got it.
The Bible says,
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3
This says He “hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings,” meaning it’s already done. You already have all spiritual blessings. So, asking God or waiting on Him to bless you is counterproductive. Years ago, I was praying for healing for my son, who was very little at the time. I wasn’t seeing him healed, so I asked God, “What’s wrong?” The Lord spoke to me, “You’re fighting to get your son healed instead of fighting because he is healed.” You might say, “I don’t see the difference.” There’s a huge difference! The Lord told me that I was trying to get Him to do something instead of defending my son’s healing and just releasing what Jesus had already provided.
If you don’t understand this, then I can guarantee you, this is one of the main reasons you aren’t receiving from God.
For me, the key to understanding these truths was the revelation the Lord gave me that became the basis of my teaching Spirit, Soul & Body. God is a Spirit (John 4:24), and He moves in the spiritual realm. A physical manifestation of what He has done in the spiritual realm is dependent on what we believe and how we act. It’s not up to the Lord to heal us. He’s already healed us (1 Pet. 2:24). He has entrusted us to release His miraculous power.
Healing has already been provided. Financial prosperity has already been provided. Joy and peace and everything that you will ever need emotionally have already been provided. If you’re having a down day, if things aren’t going right, if you don’t feel good, don’t embrace discouragement and hopelessness. Don’t embrace this stuff and say, “O God, I ask You to touch me. I ask You to give me joy.” The Bible says you’ve already received all these things.
Remember Ephesians 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath [past tense] blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (brackets added). Now, it says those spiritual blessings are in heavenly places in Christ, but they are in you because you are in Christ, which is what the next verse says:
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world.
Ephesians 1:4a
You just start acknowledging the good things that the Word says are in you, and then your faith begins to be effective. You’ll start seeing these things manifest in your life. It is so much easier than begging God or pleading with Him to move!
God has already done His part. When Jesus died on the cross, He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). The Scripture reveals in Ephesians 1:20 that He is now seated at the Father’s right hand. He’s not working anymore. He’s already done it. It is finished! He has already forgiven you. He’s already healed you. He’s already commanded His blessing upon you and your finances. He’s already given you love, joy, and peace. You don’t need God to respond to you; you need to learn to respond to God! It’s easier to defend something you already have than to go get something you don’t have.
That is so powerful, but this is where many Christians miss it. They know God can do all of these things, but they don’t think He’s done anything yet. They start from a position of unbelief. They are crossways with the Word of God. In regards to healing, the proper way to receive is to take Proverbs 18:21—“Death and life are in the power of the tongue”—and begin to release this power over sickness and disease: “I speak death to this sickness. I curse it and command it to leave. God, I speak the life that You’ve already put on the inside of me. I release it to flow through my body.” This is how you start cooperating with God.
I’ve got a lot more to say about this, but I don’t have the space in this letter. I encourage you to get my teaching. You’ve Already Got It! is the revelation that God used to change my life. I know it will change yours too! This teaching is available on CD and DVD and as a book and a study guide. To order, go to our website:
www.awme.net, call our Helpline:
+44(0) 1922 473300, or complete and return the enclosed order form.
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