Have you ever felt far from God? Do you ever find yourself longing for the same feeling of His initial touch on your life? There’s good news for you: you can have that and more! However, the process of obtaining it may look a little different than you imagine.
We all may have times in life when we don’t feel that God is near to us. Either we feel as though He has drifted away for some reason or as though His place in our lives just isn’t as big as it should be. Most Christians feel like the experiences they have with God diminish over time and that they need a fresh touch.
You might be one of them. If you struggle to see Him beyond your circumstances, get derailed when things don’t go your way, or can be set off by the slightest thing, you probably don’t see God as very big. Whenever you are moved more by external things than by the truth of God’s Word, you are not truly full of God. It’s also the reason you may not feel confident in your relationship with Him.
If you’re going to thrive - not just survive - as a Christian, then God must be bigger to you than anything else. This is the normal life that He intended for you to live. It’s not normal in that it’s common, but it’s what every believer should be walking in.
The Lord spoke to me out of Romans 1 and gave me four keys that I believe will make Him and what He’s done in your life bigger so that you can have the kind of relationship with Him I’m talking about. Really, these are progressive steps specifically designed to help you stay full of God. You know, you don’t go from full to empty overnight; you have to take steps away from what God has done in your life. If you continue along that path, you can get to where you have a reprobate mind and become hardhearted. But if you start taking steps in the right direction, you can have a relationship with God that thrives, regardless of your circumstances!
The four keys I’m talking about are: glorify God, be thankful, recognise the power of your imagination, and have a good heart. You have the power to control these keys in your life. Each of these is an important step to keeping yourself full of God and keeping your experiences with Him real and alive to you at all times, and it’s these experiences that define your relationship with Him. They are often your starting points with God - the things that get you excited to follow Him in the first place. Do you remember when God first touched your life? Even if it wasn’t a dramatic experience, you remember what it meant to you. The impact of that experience should never be diminished. Keeping these things fresh and on your heart will go a long way toward living in the fullness of God that leads to an abundant life.
Take, for example, my testimony. When God touched my life on 23rd March, 1968, I had an experience with Him that changed me forever. If you’ve been listening to me for any length of time, you know I refer to this encounter quite a lot. Why? It’s my testimony, so I’m going to stick to it! But the truth is, it was real to me. I mean, I felt like I could reach out and touch God. I know I’ll never be the same. You might say, “Well, that’s because you haven’t had any problems like I’ve had.” Believe me, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to diminish what God has done. My life hasn’t been a walk in the park. The reason I talk so much about the experience I had with God is because it’s still big to me! It has not lost its impact. I’m still on fire after all these years. I have a relationship with the Lord that’s vibrant. And you know what? It doesn’t matter what happens, what the devil does, or anything else. I’m going to keep this excitement. I’m going to thrive. You can be the same way.
You may be struggling. You may feel like God is far from you or like your circumstances are too big for God to handle. The good news is that you are not alone, and the better news is that you can do something about your difficulties. You don’t have to struggle so hard to make God a part of your life; it can start with a simple step in the right direction. Being full of God doesn’t have to be an arduous journey. He is with you always and wants you to have this fullness more than you do. All you have to do is take advantage of what He has provided for you through His Spirit.
I encourage you to get my Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God teaching. You don’t have to settle for what passes as normal in Christianity. Be intentional and grab hold of these truths so you can start seeing positive change in your life. I’ve got this teaching in book, study guide, CD, and DVD formats.
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awme.net/full, or calling the Helpline at
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