what purpose? To be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
I tell you, it’s both. The Word of God says that if you’ll do that, then you will prove - make manifest to the physical senses - what is the good, the acceptable, and the perfect will of God.
These verses transformed my life and helped me learn God’s perfect plan for me, and I’m just giving you the highlights. We have a new event coming up
September 16–18 called the
Destiny Conference, which will be based on the principles in my book called How to Find, Follow, and Fulfil God’s Will. If you attend the conference, you’ll receive a free copy! If you can’t attend, you can purchase the book and stream the conference for free at
I’ve also got a brand-new book out entitled Romans: Paul’s Masterpiece on Grace. It’s 432 pages! In addition, I've got CDs and a couple of DVDs that are called Grace Encounters. These have testimonies of people whose lives have been transformed by this grace message. Lastly, we’re also offering my Living Commentary, which is a digital version of a regular commentary. It’s got my comments on over 25,000 out of the 31,000 total verses in the Bible. It contains something like thirty to forty years’ worth of my personal study and revelation and would really be a blessing to you. It’s called a Living Commentary because I’m still writing it, and every time you go to our website, it’ll automatically update you with the new notes that I’ve written, along with any additions or corrections.
The Romans package we’ve put together for you is a great deal! To place an order, go to our website, awme.net/promo-offer/romans, call our UK Helpline at +44(0)1922 473300, or complete and return the enclosed form.
We love you!