Most people agree that praising God is a good thing, but few people are inclined to praise God during difficult times. The truth is we need to praise God regardless of what is going on around us. When we shift our focus from our problems to God’s love for us, our troubles will seem so small that we’ll hardly remember to bring them to God!
In The Effects of Praise, Andrew teaches on the impact praise has on you, on God, and on the devil!
Learn the power of praise as Andrew expounds on these truths:
- Praising God leads to an abundance of faith.
- Your praise ministers to God.
- The devil can’t stand praise; it drives him away.
- Praise brings you back to trusting in God’s faithfulness.
• Format: CD series
• Number of Disks: 3 disks
W02C Effect Of Praise On The Believer
W03C Effect Of Praise On The Devil
W04C Effect Of Praise On The Lord
The Effect of Praise on the Believer:
This CD opens the truths of God's Word to show how praise is essential to the spiritual health of a Christian. Praise is God's antidote and prevention for depression. Praise produces peace. There is a direct relationship between our thankfulness and how much we trust in the Lord. Praise to God causes our faith to abound. Praise is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a mature Christian.
The Effect of Praise on the Devil:
Praise to God is power that stops the devil dead in his tracks. Satan's original sin was to want the praise reserved for God alone. He is insanely jealous of God. When we give the Lord our worship and praise, Satan flees in revulsion. Isn't that great! Praise is a powerful weapon in our spiritual warfare.
The Effect of Praise on the Lord:
Most Christians have not realized the profound effect that praise has on God. As we express our love through praise and worship, God gets blessed. That's what the scriptures mean when they tell us to bless the Lord. These aren't just words that we say, it's something that happens. This tape will add a new dimension to your life as you learn the joy of ministering unto God.