Dwelling In God's Presence - CD Album


Most of the promises of God - probably more than you realise - are conditional upon abiding in His presence. You might think that's too simple, but it really isn't any more complicated than that. Sad to say, many Christians only visit the Lord, and only when they're in trouble. If you're going to be a victorious believer, you can't meet with God sporadically or when you're in a crisis. Let Andrew show you how to dwell in God's presence today.


K218C The Secret Place

K219C God Is Always With Us

K220C Knowing God Heart To Heart

K221C No More Separation

K222C Keeping Your Mind Stayed On God

K223C Meditation Opens Your Heart

K224C Bless The Lord At All Times

Buy Dwelling In God's Presence - CD Album
Price per item: £25
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