One of the most amazing statements in all the Bible comes from the book of John, chapter sixteen. In this chapter, Jesus’ disciples were filled with sorrow because He told them He was leaving them. Most people today would feel the same way these disciples felt. What could possibly compare to having Jesus with you? Yet, Jesus said to them in John 16:7,
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
Jesus shocked them with these words because He was saying that having the Holy Spirit with them was better than having Him there with them in His physical body. How could that be? Most Christians would prefer to have Jesus with them just as He was with the disciples.
Of course, what Jesus said was absolutely true. We have to defer to the Lord’s wisdom that it’s better to have the Holy Spirit with and in us than to have Jesus in His physical body. But it certainly doesn’t seem like that would be true!
In his new teaching 10 Reasons It’s Better to Have the Holy Spirit, Andrew shares ten reasons why the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is actually better than the limited ministry of Jesus when He was physically present on the earth. In this teaching, Andrew guides you step by step into a better understanding of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, enabling you to place a value on that ministry in agreement with what the Bible teaches and to see significant growth in your walk with the Lord.
The Holy Spirit is available to the true believer every hour of every day. With that kind of presence, we don’t need God physically with us to know His goodness. Grow in your understanding of the ministry of the Holy Spirit and profoundly deepen your relationship with God.
Track | Title | Length | Size |
0 | Compressed Archive Download | - | 100.9 MB |
1 | The Holy Spirit in Us / Born of the Spirit | 55:19 | 19.2 MB |
2 | Revelation Knowledge / Power | 1:05:04 | 22.5 MB |
3 | Remembering All / Things to Come | 45:21 | 15.7 MB |
4 | Holy Spirit Gifts | 1:11:33 | 24.7 MB |
5 | Fruitfulness / Comforted to Comfort / Sin, Righteousness, Judgment | 1:01:38 | 21.3 MB |
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