Christian Survival Kit

This series is a verse-by-verse teaching from John, chapters 14, 15, and 16. These are Jesus' instructions to His disciples the night before His crucifixion. He knew what they would go through, and He told them what they needed to know to keep them from being overcome with grief during this trying time. The same things He spoke to them will work for us in our crisis situations. This series is a must for all Christians.

Don't Panic - Believe
The first thing to do when a crisis comes is to get hold of your emotions. Learn how to control your emotions instead of letting them control you.

Our problems must be put into perspective. God's supply is greater than our need.

Knowing God
Those who are only casually acquainted with God will have a hard time in crisis. Faith is a natural by-product of an intimate relationship with the Lord.

The Word
In pressure situations we seek for something special from God and forget that the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17).

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
This teaching highlights two vital ministries of the Holy Spirit in an emergency situation, praying in tongues and groaning in the Spirit.

Do the Word
Most people know more of the Word of God than what they act on. It's not hearers, but the doers of the Word who win.

Self Centeredness - The Source of Grief
Many of our disasters are self-induced. We would not be so easily hurt if self was not so intact. We can't stop all problems, but we can die to self.

Watch Your Tongue
Faith or unbelief is received and released by what we say.

Abide in the Vine
Many times we feel pressured that we have to do something to get God to do something. All we have to do is labour to rest in His completed work.

The Power of Love
Galatians 5:6 says, "faith works by love." If your faith is not producing, check your love level.

The Power of Joy
Praise is a powerful offensive weapon against the devil. It also changes you and your attitude.

Fruit, Not Failure, Glorifies God

In a crisis, you must believe that it is God's will for you to prosper. Doubting God's willingness for you to succeed will kill your faith.

Persecution is not just physical abuse. Fear of other people and what they might say will stop your faith (Jn. 5:44).

Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment
The Holy Spirit convicts us of the sin of unbelief, the fact that we are now the righteousness of God, and reminds us of Satan's total defeat.

Prayer in Jesus' Name
Jesus gave us the power of attorney over His name.

What to do When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered
How to stop Satan from stopping your prayers. How to shorten the time between your prayer and the manifestation of the answer.

Buy Christian Survival Kit as:

Expanded Product List

Name Price
Christian Survival Kit £53
Christian Survival Kit £16
Christian Survival Kit £50
Don't Panic, Believe £3
Put Things In Perspective £3
Knowing God £3
Power Of The Word Of God £3
Ministry Of The Holy Spirit £3
Be A Doer Of The Word £3
Watch Your Tongue £3
Abiding In The Vine £3
Power Of Love £3
Power Of Joy £3
Fruit, Not Failure Glorifies God £3
How To Handle Persecution £3
Sin, Righteousness And Judgment £3
Prayer In Jesus' Name £3
What To Do When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered £3
When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered 1 - Spanish £3
When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered 2 - Spanish £3

Audio Teachings for Christian Survival Kit

Track Title Length Size
 0 Compressed Archive Download - 268.5 MB
 1 Don't Panic - Believe 42:49 14.7 MB
 2 Perspective 46:38 16 MB
 3 Knowing God 46:51 16.1 MB
 4 The Word 45:41 15.7 MB
 5 The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit 48:05 16.5 MB
 6 Do The Word 47:23 16.3 MB
 7 Self-Centeredness - The Source Of Grief 1:18:36 27 MB
 8 Watch Your Tongue 44:11 15.2 MB
 9 Abide In The Vine 50:42 17.4 MB
 10 The Power Of Love 49:21 17 MB
 11 The Power Of Joy 50:20 17.3 MB
 12 Fruit, Not Failure, Glorifies God 32:27 11.2 MB
 13 Persecution 48:47 16.8 MB
 14 Sin, Righteousness, And Judgement 49:31 17 MB
 15 Prayer In Jesus' Name 36:37 12.6 MB
 16 What To Do When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered 1:18:06 26.8 MB
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